Mejora fácilmente la seguridad del sitio con el refuerzo de WordPress, la detección de vulnerabilidades y la generación de certificados SSL.
Seguridad para WordPress realmente sencilla, eficaz y ligera
Really Simple SSL es el plugin de seguridad más ligero y fácil de usar para WordPress. Siente las bases de la seguridad de tu web de WordPress aprovechando tu certificado SSL, analizando posibles vulnerabilidades e implementando funciones esenciales de refuerzo de WordPress.
Creemos que la seguridad debe tener el mínimo efecto sobre el rendimiento del sitio web, la experiencia del usuario y la facilidad de mantenimiento. Por lo tanto, Really Simple SSL es:
- Ligero: Cada característica de seguridad se desarrolla con un enfoque modular y con el rendimiento en mente. Las funciones desactivadas no cargarán código redundante.
- Facilidad de uso: Configuración en 1 minuto con una breve configuración inicial.
Características de seguridad
Fácil migración a SSL
Mueve tu sitio a HTTPS y aplica SSL con un solo clic.
- Redirección 301 mediante PHP o .htaccess
- Asegurar las cookies
- Let’s Encrypt: Instala un certificado SSL si tu proveedor de hosting admite la instalación manual.
- Chequeo de salud del servidor: La configuración de tu servidor es igual de importante para la seguridad de tu sitio web.
Protección de WordPress
Ajusta tu configuración y mantén WordPress fuerte y seguro atajando posibles puntos débiles.
- Evitar la ejecución de código en la carpeta uploads
- Evitar comentarios en los inicios de sesión y desactivar la enumeración de usuarios
- Desactivar XML-RPC
- Desactivar la navegación por carpetas
- Restricciones de nombre de usuario (bloqueo de "admin" y nombres públicos)
- y mucho más..
Detección de vulnerabilidades
Recibe notificaciones cuando los plugins, temas o el núcleo de WP contengan vulnerabilidades y sea necesario tomar las medidas oportunas.
Mejore la Seguridad con Really Simple SSL Pro
Aplicación avanzada de SSL
- Escaneo y reparación de Contenido mixto. Detecta los archivos que se solicitan a través de HTTP y los corrige, tanto en el Front-end como en el Back-end.
- Activar la seguridad de transporte estricta de HTTP y configura tu sitio para la lista de precarga de HSTS.
Cabeceras de seguridad
Los encabezados de seguridad protegen a los visitantes de tu sitio contra el riesgo de clickjacking, ataques de falsificación de solicitudes entre sitios, robo de credenciales de inicio de sesión y malware.
- Independiente de tu configuración de servidor, funciona en Apache, LiteSpeed, NGINX, etc.
- Proteja a los visitantes de su sitio web con protección X-XSS, X-Content-Type-Options, X-Frame-Options, y una política de referencias y cabeceras CORS.
- Genera automáticamente tu Política de Seguridad de Contenidos adaptada a WordPress.
Medidas contra la vulnerabilidad
Cuando se detecta un problema en un plugin, tema o en el núcleo de WordPress, recibirás una notificación. Con "Medidas de Vulnerabilidad", puedes configurar medidas simples pero efectivas para asegurarte de que un problema crítico no quede sin atender.
- Forzar actualización: Se intentará un proceso de actualización varias veces hasta que se pueda suponer que se abandona el desarrollo de un tema o plugin. Se le notificará durante estos pasos.
- Cuarentena: Si un plugin o tema no se puede actualizar para resolver una vulnerabilidad, Really Simple SSL puede ponerlo en cuarentena.
Protección Avanzada del Sitio
- Elige una URL de inicio de sesión personalizada
- Verificación y reparación automática de permisos de archivos
- Renombra y aleatoriza el prefijo de tu base de datos
- Cambia la ubicación del archivo debug.log a una carpeta no pública
- Desactivar contraseñas de aplicaciones
- Controlar la creación de administradores
- Desactivar métodos HTTP, reduciendo las peticiones HTTP
Protección de Inicio de Sesión
Protege el inicio de sesión de tu web y las cuentas de usuario con potentes medidas de seguridad.
- Verificación en dos pasos (Inicio de sesión por correo electrónico)
- Obliga a usar contraseñas seguras y a cambiarlas frecuentemente
- Limitar los intentos de inicio de sesión
Con "Limitar intentos de inicio de sesión" puedes configurar un umbral para bloquear temporal o permanentemente direcciones IP o nombres de usuario (inexistentes). También puede lanzar un CAPTCHA después de un inicio de sesión fallido (hCaptcha o Google reCaptcha)
Control de Acceso
- Restringe el acceso a tu web en regiones específicas.
- Añade direcciones IP o rangos de IP específicos a la Lista de Bloqueo o a la Lista de Permisos.
Enlaces útiles
- Documentación
- Definiciones de seguridad
- Traducir Really Simple SSL
- Problemas & pull requests
- Solicitud de características
¿Te encanta Really Simple SSL?
Si quieres apoyar el desarrollo continuo de este plugin, por favor considera comprar Really Simple SSL Pro, que incluye algunas excelentes características de seguridad y soporte premium.
Acerca de Really Simple Plugins
Nuestra misión es hacer que los requisitos complejos de WordPress sean realmente fáciles. Really Simple SSL está desarrollado por Really Simple Plugins.
Para generar certificados SSL, Really Simple SSL usa la biblioteca cliente de Let’s Encrypt le acme2 PHP, gracias a 'fbett' por proporcionarla. La detección de vulnerabilidades utiliza WP Vulnerability, una iniciativa de código abierto de Javier Casares. ¿Quieres unirte como colaborador? ¡También estamos en GitHub!
Para instalar este plugin:
- ¡Haga una copia de seguridad! Consulte nuestras recomendaciones.
- Descarga el plugin.
- Sube el plugin al directorio «wp-content/plugins».
- Ve a «Plugins» en tu administración de WordPress y, después, haz clic en «Activar».
- Ahora verás el proceso de integración de Really Simple SSL, para ayudarte rápidamente en el proceso de configuración.
Base de conocimiento
Para obtener explicaciones más detalladas y documentación sobre todas las funciones de SSL Realmente Simple, busca en la Knowledge Base
Problemas con contenido mixto
La mayoría de los problemas de contenido mixto son causados por URLs en archivos CSS o JS.
Para instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo encontrar el contenido mixto, lee este artículo. -
Generando un Certificado SSL de Let’s Encrypt
Hemos añadido la posibilidad de generar un certificado SSL gratuito con Let’s Encrypt en nuestro Asistente de Really Simple SSL. Tenemos una lista actualizada disponible para todas las integraciones posibles aquí. Por favor, deje sus comentarios sobre otra integración, información incorrecta o si necesita ayuda.
Problemas de bucle de redirección
Si estás experimentando bucles de redirección en tu sitio prueba con estas instrucciones.
¿Es este plugin compatible con multisitio?
Sí. Hay una página de ajustes de la red dedicada donde puedes controlar los ajustes de toda tu red, a la vez.
Desinstalando Really Simple SSL
El plugin comprueba su certificado antes de habilitarlo, pero si, por ejemplo, ha migrado el sitio a un entorno no SSL, podría quedar bloqueado en el back-end.
Si no puedes desactivar, ¡no elimines simplemente la carpeta del plugin para desinstalarlo! En su lugar sigue estas instrucciones.
Colaboradores y desarrolladores
"Really Simple SSL – Simple and Lightweight Security" es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.
Colaboradores"Really Simple SSL – Simple and Lightweight Security" ha sido traducido a 57 idiomas locales. Gracias a los traductores por sus contribuciones.
Traduce "Really Simple SSL – Simple and Lightweight Security" a tu idioma.
¿Interesado en el desarrollo?
Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.
Registro de cambios
- Fix: Issues with the decryption model
- August 12th, 2024
- Feature: Password security scan. This feature scans your users for weak passwords, and allows you to enforce non-compromised passwords.
- Fix: Fixed some strings that were not translatable. This has been resolved.
- Fix: Premium support link did not work. Now links to the correct page.
- Improvement: Disable the cron schedules on deactivation.
- Fix: Links in emails were sometimes not correct. This has been fixed.
- Fix: Fatal error on permission detection. This has been resolved.
- Improvement: Custom header for the license checks for better compatibility with some hosting environments.
- Improvement: Added option to disable X-powered-by header.
- Improvement: New improved encryption method for some settings.
- June 21th, 2024
- Fix: documentation links to website broken
- Improvement: some text changes in helptexts
- Improvement: new structure to upgrade database tables
- June 11th, 2024
- Improvement: dropdown in onboarding not entirely visible
- Improvement: Styling of locked XML RPC overview
- Fix: Not loading cookie expiration change
- Fix: Visual Composer compatibility icw Enforce Strong Password
- Fix: Multiple CloudFlare detected notices in onboarding
- Fix: Checkbox position in onboarding
- May 16th, 2024
- Fix: WP Rocket compatibility causing an issue when advanced-headers.php does not exist
- May 16th, 2024
- Fix: upgrade advanced-headers.php file to allow early inclusion of the file. The ABSPATH defined check causes in issue for early inclusion, so must be removed.
- May 14th, 2024
- New: detection of non-recommended permissions on files
- New: Configure region restrictions for your site
- Improvement: Textual change on premium overlay
- Improvement: Upgraded minimum required PHP version to 7.4
- Improvement: compatibility with Bitnami
- Improvement: compatibility of Limit Login Attempts with Woocommerce
- Improvement: remove duplicate X-Really-Simple-SSL-Test from advanced-headers-test.php
- Improvement: clear notice about .htaccess writable if do_not_edit_htaccess is enabled
- Fix: upgrade from <6.0 version to >8.0 causing a fatal error
- Fix: URL to details of detected vulnerabilities was incorrect
- Improvement: some string corrections
- Fix: show 'self' as default in Frame Ancestors
- Improvement: catch not existing rsssl_version_compare
- Improvement: check for openSSL module existence
- Improvement: set default empty array for options, for legacy upgrades
- Improvement: disable custom login URL when plain permalinks are enabled
- New: Limit Login Attempts Captcha integration
- Improvement: drop renamed folder notice, not needed anymore
- Improvement: enable advanced headers in onboarding
- Improvement: is_object check in updater
- Fix: enable 2FA during onboarding when not selected by user
- Improvement: better CSP defaults
- Fix: on upgrade to pro, free settings were cleared if "clear settings on deactivation" was enabled
- Fix: catch several array key not existing errors
- New: hide remember me checkbox
- New: extend blocking of malicious admin creation to multisite
- Improvement: drop prefetch-src from Content Security Policy
- Improvement: disable two-fa when login protection is disabled
- Fix: clear cron schedules on deactivation
- Improvement: translations update
- Notice: inform users about upcoming merge of free and pro plugin, not action needed, everything will be handled automatically
- Improvement: added integration with FlyingPress and Fastest Cache
- Improvement: fix exiting a filter, causing a compatibility issue with BuddyPress
- Improvement: text changes
- Improvement: css on login error message
- Improvement: header detection improved by always checking the last url in the redirect chain
- New: Added option to limit login cookie expiration time
- Fix: custom 404 pages i.c.w. custom login url
- Fix: IP detection header order
- Fix: table creation on activation of LLA module
- Fix: PHP warning in Password Security module
- Fix: change login url feature not working with password protected pages
- Improvement: move database table creation to Limit Login Attempts module
- Improvement: prevent php error caused by debug.log file hardening feature
- Fix: CSP data not showing in datatable
- Improvement: improved check for PharData class
- Fix: Config for CSP preventing Learning mode from completing
- Fix: datatable styling
- Fix: using deactivate_https with wp-cli did not remove htaccess rules
- Improvement: add query parameter to enforce email verification &rsssl_force_verification
- Improvement: css for check certificate manually button
- Fix: changed link to article
- Fix: remove flags .js file which was added twice, props @adamainsworth
- Fix: typo in missing advanced-headers.php notice
- Improvement: catch php warning when script src is empty when using hide wp version, props @chris-yau
- Improvement: new save & continue feedback
- Improvement: datatable styling
- Improvement: new react based modal
- Improvement: menu re-structured
- Improvement: re-check vulnerability status after core update
- Improvement: link in the email security notification to the vulnerability page instead of to a general explanation
- October 11th 2023
- Fix: React ErrorBoundary preventing Let’s Encrypt generation to complete.
- October 6th 2023
- Fix: hook change in integrations loader causing modules not to load. props @rami5342
- October 5th 2023
- Fix: incorrect function usage, props @heutger
- October 4th 2023
- Improvement: detection if advanced-headers.php file is running
- September 5th 2023
- Improvement: typo update word
- Improvement: translatability in several strings.
- August 8th 2023
- Improvement: WordPress tested up to 6.3
- Improvement: improve file existence check json
- Fix: handling of legacy options in php 8.1
- Fix: count remaining tasks
- July 25th 2023
- Improvement: modal icon placement in wizard on smaller screens
- Improvement: expire cached detected headers five minutes after saving the settings
- Fix: handling of legacy options in php 8.1
- Fix: prevent issues with CloudFlare when submitting support form from within the plugin
- Fix: translations singular/plural for japanese translations @maboroshin
- July 4th 2023
- Improvement: support custom wp-content directory in advanced-headers.php
- Improvement: prevent usage of subdirectories in custom login url
- Fix: translations not loading for chunked react components
- Improvement: add option to manually re-check vulnerabilities '&rsssl_check_vulnerabilities', props @fawp
- Fix: some users with a non www site reporting issues on the login page over http://www, due to the changes in the wp redirect. Reverting to the old method. props @pedalnorth, @mossifer.
- June 14th 2023
- Improvement: notice informing about the new free vulnerability detection feature
- Improvement: improved the php redirect method
- Improvement: make the wp-config.php not writable notice dismissable
- Fix: feedback on hardening features enable action not showing as enabled, props @rtpHarry
- Fix: fix false positives on some plugins
- Improvement: vulnerability notifications in site health, if notifications are enabled.
- Improvement: improve matching precision on plugins with vulnerabilities.
- Fix: When the Rest API is not available, the ajax fallback should kick in, which didn’t work correctly in 7.0. props @justaniceguy
- New: Vulnerability Detection is in Beta – Read more or Get Started
- Improvement: move onboarding rest api to do_action rest_route
- Improvement: catch several edge situations in SSL Labs api
- Improvement: SSL Labs block responsiveness
- Improvement: more robust handling of wp-config.php detection
- Improvement: added support for the new Let’s Encrypt staging environment
- Improvement: add warning alert option
- Fix: capability mismatch in multisite. props @verkkovaraani
- Improvement: optionally enable notification emails in onboarding wizard
- Improvement: onboarding styling
- Fix: catch non array value from notices array, props @kenrichman
- Fix: typo in documenation link, props @bookman53
- Improvement: Changed Back-end react to functional components
- Improvement: multisite notice should link to network admin page
- Improvement: detect existing CAA records to check Let’s Encrypt compatibility
- Improvement: tested up to wp 6.2
- Improvement: UX improvement learning mode
- Fix: capability mismatch for a non administrator in multisite admin, props @jg-visual
- Fix: race condition when activating SSL through wp-cli, because of upgrade script
- Fix: missing disabled state in textarea and checkboxes
- Fix: some strings not translatable
- Fix: Let’s Encrypt renewal with add on
- Improvement: permissions check re-structuring
- Improvement: notice on subsite within multisite environment about wildcard updated
- New: optional email notifications on advanced settings
- Improvement: added tooltips
- Improvement: added warnings for .htaccess redirect
- Improvement: don’t send user email change on renaming admin user, as the email doesn’t actually change
- Improvement: Use BASEPATH only for wp-load.php, so symlinked folders will load based on ABSPATH
- Improvement: Improved support for environments where Rest API is blocked
- Fix: WP CLI not completing SSL when because site_has_ssl option is not set if website has not been visited before, props @oolongm
- Improvement: prevent 'undefined' status showing up in api calls on settings page
- Improvement: show notice if users are using an <2.0 Let’s Encrypt shell add-on which is not compatible with 6.0
- Improvement: some UX changes
- Improvement: Limit number of notices in the dashboard
- Improvement: load rest api request url over https if website is loaded over https
- Fix: empty menu item visible in Let’s Encrypt menu
- Fix: settings page when using plain permalinks, props @mvsitecreator, props @doug2son
- Improvement: improve method of dropping empty menu items in settings dashboard
- Improvement: dynamic links in auto installer
- Improvement: Let’s Encrypt Auto installer not working correctly, props @mirkolofio
- Improvement: change rest_api method to core wp apiFetch()
- Improvement: scroll highlighted setting into view after clicking "fix" on a task
- Improvement: run http method test in batches, and set a default, to prevent possibility of curl timeouts on systems with CURL issues
- Improvement: clean up code-execution.php file after test, props @spinhead
- Improvement: give notification if 'DISABLE_FILE_EDITING' is set to false in the wp-config.php props @joeri1977
- Improvement: drop some unnecessary translations
- Improvement: set better default, and change transients to option for more persistent behavior in wp version test, props @photomaldives
- Fix: Burst Statistics not activating after installation
- Fix: CSS for blue labels in progress dashboard below 1080px
- Fix: WPCLI SSL activation not working due to capability checks, props @oolongm
- Fix: catch invalid account error in Let’s Encrypt generation, props @bugsjr
- Fix: do not block user enumeration for gutenberg
- Fix: on multisite, the test for users with admin username did not use the correct prefix, $wpdb->base_prefix, props @jg-visual
- Improvement: allow submenu in back-end react application
- Improvement: Skip value update when no change has been made
- Improvement: no redirect on dismiss of admin notice, props @gangesh, @rtpHarry, @dumel
- Improvement: remove obsolete warning
- Improvement: qtranslate support on settings page
- Fix: on some environments, the HTTP_X_WP_NONCE is not available in the code, changed logged in check to accomodate such environments
- Fix: dismiss on admin notices not immediately dismissing, requiring dismiss through dashboard, props @dumel
- Fix: Apache 2.4 support for the block code execution in the uploads directory hardening feature, props @overlake
- Fix: When used with Varnish cache, Rest API get requests were cached, causing the settings page not to update.
- Fix: Ensure manage_security capability for users upgraded from versions before introduction of this capability
- Fix: allow for custom rest api prefixes, props @coderevolution
- Fix: bug in Let’s Encrypt generation with DNS verification: saving of 'disable_ocsp' setting, create_bundle_or_renew action with quotes
- Fix: change REST API response method to prevent script errors on environments with PHP warnings and errors, causing blank settings page
- Improvement: Simplify user enumeration test
- Improvement: catch unexpected response in SSL Labs object
- Improvement: z-index on on boarding modal on smaller screen sizes, props @rtpHarry
- Improvement: hide username field if no admin username is present, props @rtpHarry
- Fix: incorrectly disabled email field in Let’s Encrypt wizard, props @cburgess
- Improvement: on rename admin user, catch existing username, and strange characters
- Improvement: catch openBaseDir restriction in cpanel detection function, props @alofnur
- Improvement: remove 6.0 update notices on subsites in a multisite network, props @wpcoderca, (@collizo4sky
- Improvement: Lets Encrypt wizard CSS styling
- Improvement: re-add link to article about Let’s Encrypt so users can easily find the URL
- Improvement: let user choose a new username when selecting "rename admin user"
- Fix: restrict conditions in which htaccess rewrite runs, preventing conflicts with other rewriting plugins
- Fix: drop upgrade of .htaccess file in upgrade script
- Fix: race condition in .htaccess update script, where multiple updates simultaneously caused issues with the .htaccess file
- Fix: using the .htaccess redirect in combination with the block code execution in uploads causes an issue in the .htaccess redirect
- Fix: deactivating Really Simple SSL does not completely remove the wp-config.php fixes, causing errors, props @minalukic812
- Fix: Rest Optimizer causing other plugins to deactivate when recommended plugins were activated, props @sardelich
- Fix: do not show WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY notice if WP_DEBUG is false, props @janv01
- Fix: empty cron schedule, props @gilvansilvabr
- Improvement: several typo’s and string improvements
- Fix: auto installer used function not defined yet
- Fix: rest api optimizer causing an error in some cases @giorgos93
- Fix translations not loading for scripts
- Tested up to WordPress 6.1.0
- Improvement: User Interface
- New: Server Health Check – powered by SSLLabs
- New: WordPress Hardening Features