Etiqueta del plugin: theme
Material Admin Theme
(12 total de valoraciones)Material blue theme for wordpress admin. Flat design, improved contrast. Have your backend look like 2015.
Di Themes Demo Site Importer
(0 total de valoraciones)Di Themes Demo Site Importer plugin can be used to import the demo website developed by Di Themes.
Windows Compatibility Fix
(8 total de valoraciones)Fixes long filename problem on Windows systems when doing updates, such as updating from EDD based sites.
Custom Content Width
(8 total de valoraciones)Adds a 'Custom Content Width' setting to the Settings > Media screen, to let users override their theme's content width.
Quick Child Theme Generator
(5 total de valoraciones)Quick Child Theme Generator is a WordPress plugin and it is helpful for creating child themes quickly.
WP Theme Changelogs
(3 total de valoraciones)Adding changelogs for themes hosted on by parsing their readme.txt
Widgets Control
(15 total de valoraciones)A Widget toolbox that adds visibility management and helps to control where widgets, sidebars and content are shown efficiently.
PWD WP Favicon
(5 total de valoraciones)This plugin allows you to upload a custom favicon & Apple touch icon for your website and your WordPress Dashboard using API customizer.
Spacious Toolkit
(0 total de valoraciones)Spacious Toolkit is a companion for Spacious WordPress theme by ThemeGrill
Ample Themes Demo Importer
(0 total de valoraciones)Ample Themes Demo Importer: One Click Demo Import for theme.
Child Theme Check
(8 total de valoraciones)Warns you about outdated template files in your child theme and shows a diff view of the changes between parent and child theme template.
Theme Inspector
(10 total de valoraciones)A developer's inspector to illuminate the WordPress Template Hierarchy and help with building WordPress Classic themes.
Theme File Duplicator
(4 total de valoraciones)Clone an existing template file from the Wordpress admin area. Go to Appearance -> Add Page Template
(2 total de valoraciones)A simple custom CSS plugin for themes that integrates with the new theme customizer.
Just Variables
(7 total de valoraciones)This plugin allow you to create simple text variables (single/multi-line) to use them in your theme templates after that.
Memberlite Shortcodes
(1 total de valoraciones)A set of shortcodes designed enhance the appearance of your content with the Memberlite Theme.
WP Theme Optimizer
(2 total de valoraciones)Optimize your WordPress theme header by removing excess tags and scripts. Make your site faster and more secure by hiding WordPress tags.
(1 total de valoraciones)Provide some simple functionality to register some hooks that could not register inside the WordPress themes