Etiqueta del plugin: security
Application Passwords
(31 total de valoraciones)Creates unique passwords for applications to authenticate users without revealing their main passwords.
Inactive Logout
(105 total de valoraciones)Logs out users within defined time when inactive. Modify to show only wake up message and not log out as well. Supported for multisites as well.
The GDPR Framework By Data443
(65 total de valoraciones)Easy to use tools to help make your website GDPR-compliant. Fully documented, extendable and developer-friendly. Extensions to enterprise GDPR compli …
IP Geo Block
(96 total de valoraciones)It blocks spam posts, login attempts and malicious access to the back-end requested from the specific countries, and also prevents zero-day exploit.
Salt Shaker
(27 total de valoraciones)Salt Shaker enhances WordPress security by changing WordPress security keys and salts manually and automatically.
Exploit Scanner
(40 total de valoraciones)Search the files and database of your WordPress install for signs that may indicate that it has fallen victim to malicious hackers.
ReCaptcha Integration for WordPress
(90 total de valoraciones)reCaptcha for login, signup, comment forms, Ninja Forms and woocommerce.
(18 total de valoraciones)Get WordPress vulnerability alerts from WordPress Vulnerability Database API.
Malcure Malware Scanner — #1 Toolset for WordPress Malware Removal
(51 total de valoraciones)No. 1 Plugin for malware removal – Ultra-precision, comprehensive, detects viruses, infections & over 50,000+ security threats & vulnerabilities.
Security Ninja – Secure Firewall & Secure Malware Scanner
(95 total de valoraciones)Scans for vulnerabilities, detects risky plugins, and guides you how to secure your site against hackers.
Simple Login Captcha
(17 total de valoraciones)Adds a simple 3-digit number captcha on the login form.
Captcha by BestWebSoft – Spam Protection, Security Plugin for WordPress Forms
(17 total de valoraciones)1 super security anti-spam captcha plugin for WordPress forms.
Meta Generator and Version Info Remover
(27 total de valoraciones)This plugin will remove the version info appended to enqueued style and script urls along with Meta Generator in the head section and in RSS feeds.
Brozzme DB Prefix & Tools Addons
(48 total de valoraciones)Easily change your WordPress DB prefix, save time, increase security.
WPScan – WordPress Security Scanner
(28 total de valoraciones)WPScan WordPress Security Scanner – Scans your system for security vulnerabilities listed in the WPScan Vulnerability Database.
Malware Scanner
(4 total de valoraciones)Malware scanner provides Anti malware security, Scans & Detects malware like Trojans, Backdoors, Brute force & OWASP attacks.
Move Login
(43 total de valoraciones)Change your login URL for something like and stop login brute-force attempts.