Etiqueta del plugin: security
Secure User Registration by PureDevs
(0 total de valoraciones)The plugin enhances site security by implementing layers of protection to user registration forms, safeguarding the site from attacks like CSRF and au …
(0 total de valoraciones)OLS 2FA is a lightweight plugin that enhances your website's security by adding email two-factor authentication (2FA).
Genius Firewall
(0 total de valoraciones)Democratized web security for free with the best website firewall designed for everyone from beginners to security experts using Wordpress.
RIS Cloudflare CAPTCHA
(0 total de valoraciones)Adds Cloudflare CAPTCHA to the WordPress login page and optionally to all forms, including comments, to protect your site from spam and abuse.
IP Whitelist
(0 total de valoraciones)Whitelist specific IP addresses to access your WordPress admin site.
Guest User
(0 total de valoraciones)Label users as guest so they cant sign in to your system but you can use them as authors for posts.
Surbma | GDPR Multisite Privacy
(0 total de valoraciones)A GDPR Multisite plugin, that adds special privileges to a subsite Administrator for Privacy settings.
No More Bots
(0 total de valoraciones)No More Bots is a WordPress plugin that allows users to select specific pages where they have submission forms (login, register, contact, etc.).
LogAction – Activity Logs for Admin
(0 total de valoraciones)Track and log WordPress activities to monitor and improve your site's security and administrative tasks.
Jetpack Login
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin simply remove default Login Form from login page. If you are really sick of spam logins that are happening gain and again, then simply use
Hardened Clean
(0 total de valoraciones)Lightweight protection to and cleaning of your Wordpress website.
Simple Not Found Rescue
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin redirects all 404 not found page to homepage.
WP Remove Authors Sitemap from Yoast SEO
(0 total de valoraciones)License: GPLv2 or later WordPress plugin to remove authors from the Yoast SEO Sitemap
Dastyar WP
(3 total de valoraciones)WordPress Assistant plugin is a plugin to increase speed and security
(0 total de valoraciones)Cookie Compliance for GDPR, European and other cookie law and consent notice requirements on your website.
Custom Login URL Manager – Hide Login Admin URL
(0 total de valoraciones)Change the default WordPress login URL and redirect unauthorized attempts to a specified page for enhanced security.
WP reCaptcha Login
(0 total de valoraciones)License: GPLv2 or later This plugin uses reCaptcha V3 to add an extra layer of security at your login screen, preventing brute-force attacks.