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Checkout Address Suggestions for WooCommerce


Checkout Address Suggestions for WooCommerce adds functionality of showing address auto sugessions and autocomplete address on click of given sugession. It Gives Suggestion of address on Billing and shipping address fields. It also Automatically enter State,Zipcode,Cite and region fields when user select an address from given suggessions. It Works on Both Billing and Shipping addresses.

Note: This Plugin requires Google Map jQuery API key to work.

Made by Raman Kumar

Feel Free to Give Feedback & Suggessions to improve the plugin quality.


  • Checkout Address Suggestions.
  • Automatically fills required fileds when user select address.
  • Suggest Address according to country.


  • Admin Setting Page where you need to fill Google Maps jQuery API Key.
  • Position of Plugin Menu inside Wocommerce Menu on left sidebar of admin.
  • Frontend look it works for every theme.
  • Simple image of showing address suggession.


To install Checkout Address Suggestions for WooCommerce, follow these steps:

  1. Download and unzip the plugin

  2. Upload the entire checkout-address-sugessions-for-woocommerce/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress


17 de junio de 2020
Was sceptical at first but it works just fine out of the box. Formatting wise, I’ve tried (Number) (Street name) and also (Street Name) (number) combo and both work well and it updates the postal code correctly as well. Simple yet useful. Saved me time and money!
7 de abril de 2020
Thank you for this great tool. It integrates really smoothly with the WooCommerce checkout page. Works much better than a paid plugin my company bought.
22 de noviembre de 2019
Install was a breeze. No configuration, just plugin your Google API key.
8 de agosto de 2019
Very nice plugin, plug and play, only needs google api key and works. But as others said it does not work for non english websites, needs to swap address format to: Street name, number. Salvador
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Colaboradores y desarrolladores

"Checkout Address Suggestions for WooCommerce" es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


Registro de cambios

  • 1.2.9 Bug Fixes, Tested on wordpess 5.2.2
  • 1.2.8 Shipping Address Bug Fixed, Added New functionality To give address sugession on My account Billing and shipping addresses.
  • 1.2.5 Bug Fixes
  • Initial Release